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StarCraft 2 Multiplayer Strategies by IGN
Unit Management
Special Attacks
Exploting Weaknesses
Battle Tactics

StarCraft 2 Mastery Tutorials by TheThinkingGamer
10 Basics to Mastering the Game
Micro-management, Part 1 of 2
Micro-management, Part 2 of 2
Mastering Hot Keys, Grid by Grid
Advanced Hot-Keys Tutorial
Unit Grouping Tutorial

StarCraft 2 Scouting & Tactical Tutorials by TheThinkingGamer
Protoss Scouting (Multiplayer)
Terran Scouting (Multiplayer)
Zerg Scouting (Multiplayer)
Harassment w/ Terran Reaper (1-vs-1)
Auto Casting & Unit Automation
Research & Upgrades - Terran Campaign

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